Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

During my time at TusCon, I finished reading two books.

The first seemed appropriate, since its author, Jim Butcher, was at the convention. That one was Side Jobs, a short story collection about his protagonist Harry Dresden, PI and wizard in a modern Chicago. I like this series, overall, and these short stories are a nice addition to the canon.

The second book I finished was part of the Falco series by Lindsey Davis; mysteries set in Ancient Rome. This book was Nemesis, and it was very good, as is most of this series.

I also read, somewhere along the line, a comic book called The Unwritten #19, which continues to carry forward the saga rather well.

Finally, I started a book from the library, called Blasphemy by Douglas Preston, that had been suggested by my book-a-day calendar, but it definitely didn't excite me, so I dumped it, a chapter in.

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