Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

I finished the dishes, finally, yesterday, and then devoted myself to a project for which I've had too little time: backing up and cleaning up the hard drives. We've had a backup drive for a while, but yesterday I had to run out to the hardware store to get an extension cord to power it. I started late yesterday afternoon backing things up and rearranging the other drives; I'm still not done right now. So, no wonder I haven't had the time to get it all finished...

For dinner last night, we went back to The Boiler. It's been months since we were in, and in the interim, the quiet little place has becoming a hopping, busy place, for which we were grateful. The cooks recognized us, which was nice, and we had a good meal, which was also nice.

Back to the salt mines...

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