Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

Yesterday was something of a screwed up day, thanks to the government of the County of San Bernardino. You see, I was called up for jury duty. Tuesday night, I called the number, and found out that instead of showing up at 0830, I needed to be there by 1230, so I got out of the house relatively early and got three of four hospitals done before going to the courthouse. Luckily, one of the hospitals is about three blocks from the place I needed to be for duty, and that was the last one I did before attending. Nearly three boring hours ensued before my group was told that the case we were waiting for had settled at the last minute, and we were released...and then I went back to work, finishing my rounds.

That meant that I got home well before sunset, and I got the trash out, and helped my wife a bit in the backyard with some of the gardening and similar chores. Now that it has rained, and fairly heavily, the chairs will be a bit cleaner...I think that will be something I'll need to do before Saturday afternoon.

We then went out for some dinner at the Rowland Heights Truck Fiesta, a weekly event. I got a Tamarind Duck Taco from the Flying Pig truck (very good), and Chicken Chaufa from Lomo Arigato truck (also good, but more food than I'd expected), and then a couple of cupcakes from My Delight Cup Cakery truck (good, but not as good as last week's cupcakes). Whoa. Full stomach.

A patient and friend had a motorcycle accident a week ago, and still is in critical condition at UCI Medical Center, and so my beloved spent the night with her wife there. It's a sadness, and I hope he can pull through.

And so to work...

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