Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

#12, 13

I have the great luck to be friends and/or acquaintances with several folks who are authors. I'm always glad to get my hands on their books, and read them, whether they are highly technical, or pure fiction.

Thus, even though I have no direct interest in its subject matter, I picked up Hettie Lynne Hurtes book, Agents on Actors: Over Sixty Professionals Share Their Secrets on Finding Work on the Stage and Screen. I found the book readable for several reasons. First is that the author is a consummate interviewer, and she's gotten these agents to give her terrific quotes of great use to actors. Second, we know a number of people, here in Southern California who are making their way in Hollywood, and the tips suggested here mirror the observations I've made about our friends' successes in working the system. Third, for those of us not in The Business who live in this region, it's still a matter of conversation and attention to be aware of what goes on. So, this seems a valuable book. My only quibble is that it was written in 2000; by now, it might be worth considering an update as agents may have retired or passed on?

Following reading that book, I found and read a graphic novel authored by Christopher Moore, an author of some popularity in humorous novels, and of whose works I've already read one. So when I heard about this graphic novel, I had high hopes for it. Called The Griff, it postulates an alien invasion with griffin-like invaders that nearly wipe out the Human Race, but a small group of survivors take them on. Not a bad premise. Unfortunately, I found that the continuity of the artwork didn't gel for me; I had trouble following what was supposed to be happening. Too bad...

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