Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

As some of you already know, yesterday was my birthday.

It's more than a half century, but who's counting?

I slept until my body felt refreshed. That's not normal for me. It felt naughty.

After my typical perusal of the Internet, not helped by pop-ups from one website or another, I did my ablutions and then forestcats and I piled into her truck, and went to the Apple Store, a place I rarely visit. We had agreed that it was time to upgrade our smartphones.

We were equipped with iPhone 4s. Not 4Ss, 4s. They were becoming kludgey and slow. We got good service from the Apple guy and a Verizon tech who helped us decide how to configure our plan. It was a good experience. However, they didn't have phone gear we needed to complete the ensemble. For that, we walked a couple blocks to the nearest Verizon store, where I got my belt attachment for the iPhone 5, and my wife got a cover to her liking. While there, they were having a farmers' market, so we picked up some scented soap to add to the joy.

Next? B& Nook cover was falling to pieces from use, and I got a replacement. Then it was Staples, who were having a sale on computers, so I got a laptop for work. Don't ask. It's still in the box; it has to be configured to use with our EMR systems. *Sigh*.

After some puttering at home, we drove into West Hollywood to Gordon Ramsey's restaurant for my birthday dinner. It was tapas-style, and we shared six dishes of which three were excellent, two were good, and one wasn't up to the standard set by the others. Loved it. Dessert was good, too, and overkill. Please note that I ate nothing all day to prepare for this feast. Wow.

Home, I found to my chagrin that the new smartphone didn't load a number of files that the old one had, and I've got a long road reloading them all manually. Ai!!!

I'm on call all weekend, so it's off to work I go.

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