Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

A little this, a little that. Yesterday is something of a blur in my head. Highlights? The Hugos are done, now, and I'm sure that the results have flashed through the Internet already. We didn't go.

We ate dinner at a terrific restaurant that's a great value for the quality, called Tre Trattoria, only a block or so from the Convention Center.

I did go to a panel or two. But mostly I soaked up the feelings of being at WorldCon, and realizing that soon I'll be back home, no longer experiencing the camaradery.

We had some very nice conversations with folks in the Con Suite over snacks and drinks (non-alcoholic drinks).

We ended the evening at the filk, where they were singing gaming songs. bardiclug was there and sang a couple; gave accompaniment to others. Lovely feel to the group.

One last run through the halls, today, and then we get a rental car and it's off to Austin...

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