Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

Driving over the last few weeks, I've taken to listening to some podcasts, along with the standard news from KPCC. I've listened with some consistency to The Reduced Shakespeare Company Podcast for a long time, but only recently on my cell phone; I also started pretty much from the beginning with the Alton Brown Cast, which is fairly new. However, the one that's had my attention rivetted until I've gone through them completely was The History of Rome. The 'cast speaker, last name Duncan, was engaging, witty, and kept things understandable. It's a terrific podcast for anyone with a history interest.

We also finished via Netflix streaming a British police procedural TV series called Prime Suspect, with Helen Mirren (sp?). It's a very different flavor from American ones; they get to do things that wouldn't fly in the US, while the opposite is also true. These differences makes it seem very fresh. Mirren did great work in the series, too. Worth a peek.

Cookie exchange later today, so there's much to do around the house...

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