Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

Bits and pieces:

I've slowly picked up and read a few more comics. They include Fables #138, 139. Am I getting hints that the series has an end-point?

Then, Fairest #14, 15, 16; a bit better than before. These are characters from Fables.

And then last night, I read the new issue, Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #3, which I found to be pretty solid. I especially like what they did with Kaylee...

While my beloved was at one of her quilt guild meetings last night, I streamed a fairly bad movie that I was pretty sure wouldn't have interested her, The Last Stand, which was essentially a standard Western, with our former governor in a tiny town taking on the mercenaries of a Mexican drug lord and stopping him from escaping from prison. Pretty bad. Perfect for airline flights.

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