First was Osprey Warrior #: French Musketeer 1622 - 1775, a really good account of the near-mythical unit of the French military of that period. Apparently these troops WERE used by the French monarchs to carry out cloak and dagger-style deeds, just as in The Three Musketeers, which makes it all the more juicy to read. Pretty solid book.
Next was Osprey Fortress #80: British Forts in the Age of Arthur, which opens with a short discussion of the controversy about whether or not there was ever a King Arthur, and then proceeds to detail the fortifications that existed in that time period. I found it interesting.
Then there was Osprey Campaign #206: Spartacus and the Slave War 73- 71 BC: A Gladiator Rebels Against Rome. Having listened to The History of Rome podcast series, I recalled some of the discussion about this event/period, and the book expands nicely on it. Pretty solid.
I then followed it with Osprey Warrior #162: Roman Republican Legionary 298 – 105 BC, which predates the preceding, but in light of my having listened to that educational podcast on this topic, it also expanded on some of what the presenter had to say, and therefore was pretty good.
Lastly, there was Osprey Weapon #30: The Longbow, which went into the weapon's details, and also how it was used tactically, as well as where it was used. Maybe the best of a rather good lot, this weekend. Nice.