While I'm posting, I should mention that I read a couple of comic books this week; yes, I'm now caught up, and I expect I'll stay on top of things for the time being. Anyway, they included Tales of Honor: On Basilistk Station #3; it still follows the established Honor Harrington saga from the David Weber novels but some of the frames and pages are spectacularly beautiful art. I'm enjoying what amounts to a re-read with some lovely pictures to boot. Next was The Royals: Masters at War #5 of 6. WWII alternate history...I don't know, I don't really find myself managing to suspend my disbelief in this one. However, I've followed the story this far, I will take it to the end and see where it all goes.
I'm on call the rest of this month, and a few days into July, so folks may not see much of me. We'll have to see how the work develops.