Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

So, it's Valentines Day. Ostensibly, this is one of those non-denominational, secular holidays, yet it's on St. Valentine's Day, thus a Catholic issue, and the whole thing is depicted with Cupid's Arrow, a pagan diety, or at least a demi-god, at play.

Rejecting that aspect, let's look at the day another way: Am I in love? Oh, yes I am. forestcats has been my love for more than half my life at this point, and I acknowledge that every day. I love watching her sleep. I look for her when I know she's just over there. I think about her while I do my work. I speak about her to everyone I know. I cherish her at all times. I'm so proud of all that she does.

So why do I need a special day to express this?

Well, really, I don't.

So today, tomorrow, next week, next month, and until the sun turns into a red giant, I love you my dear.

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