Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

The rain has started a half hour later than expected.

Yesterday we drove down to Corona to meet up with hendel and his spouse Faith; from their place we drove down to Temecula to dabble in some wine tasting. First, though, to help absorb the alcohol, we ate at a sandwich place called Which Wich, apparently a chain. The food was good, and the way that you plan out your sandwich was intriguing. I understand that there's one in Upland, so I expect we'll be eating there again soon.

Anyway our first stop was the Danza del Sol winery, where we did some tastings, and forestcats picked up our quarterly club members bottles. From there we then tooled over to Lorimar, our friends' favorite winery, and after tasting several types, we settled on their Fusion wine and took a couple bottles out onto the patio. Two dead soldiers later, and after reinforcements we discovered that they had a food truck serving some pretty mean dishes, and then a band set up (Midnight Satellites?) and played some of their own works as well as some 60s covers. With half a bottle of reinforcements left, we headed back north, rested and relaxed.

And now to the hospital to do my rounds...

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