Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

This week I read a few more books.

First was Osprey Vanguard #20: The Tiger Tanks; I think I see why they stopped the Vanguard series and moved onto the New Vanguard series. The former were seriously technical while the latter has a bit more history to them. In any case I like the newer series better in general. This one discusses the Tiger tanks pretty well, German from WWII.

Next I read Herbs: A Global History, there's a bit of history here, but mostly this is a list of herbs and a discussion of the difference between an herb and a spice.

Then it was Osprey Vanguard #21: The PzKpfw V Panther. More German tanks. The Tigers were heavy tanks, while the Panthers were medium. Apparently mechanically unreliable, unfortunately for those who had to drive them.

And that was all I had time for. I did take the time to update Goodreads as to all the various books I'm reading partially. One thing I did do was touch on every single book in the Currently Reading stack; this may be why I didn't finish one or two more books this week.

I suspect I'll get even more done next week...

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