Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

Time marches on.

Wednesday I did the dentist thing; late morning I had an extraction followed by a filling and then went to work with a heavy work load all afternoon. No pain meds, either.

During the week, we viewed some Netflix streaming, specifically the whole season of Santa Clarita Diet, a very strange and funny zombie thing. Worth seeing.

Saturday, we went to a Holi festival which they called The Festival of Colors at the Whittier Narrows Park, a Hindu celebration of Good over Evil; the whole event was vegetarian, and we got covered in colored chalk dust. There was dancing and Indian foods, lots of friendly people, and live music, especially a group called The Householders whose music I really enjoyed.

Following that, my wife was aware that at Cal Poly Pomona they were having a sale of tomato seedlings that they were calling Tomatozania, so we showed up covered in the chalk which amused the onlookers. A few seedlings purchased, we also stopped at the Farm Store at Cal Poly and picked up a few things. Again, folks were nonplussed at our colorful appearance.

Later, at home, showered and a bit rested, our mechanic and his girlfriend dropped by, and after chatting for an hour, we went to Nancy's Pizza for a Chicago stuffed pizza. Lovely way to end the day.

Today, we had a young man in who dug plenty of holes in the front yard to plant several peach, apple, cherry, mulberry, and Asian pear trees, as well as a hibiscus. While he was about that, I did some maintenance work on the backyard as well as doing most of the construction of another firepit to replace our old one. We've already laid in a fire in the pit, which was very relaxing. Very much seemed to have been accomplished today and now I'm basking in the cool night air.

We're seriously getting into yard preparation for Carnivore's Feast even though it's more than six weeks away.

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