Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

I shall try my best to pummel my memory into submission and give up the bits and pieces of the last week or so. I expect imperfection.

Last Sunday was a graduation party for my nephew at my youngest sister's house; we were early which was my fault, but to be honest it was a pretty good thing because we got to spend a fair amount of time chatting with the nieces and nephew which we both enjoyed. It was supposed to be a BBQ, but we didn't stay for the dinner part. In fact, we left much earlier than we had planned.

You see, one of my mother's friends had been invited, and she informed us that Mom had apparently hurt herself and wasn't coming to the party. Because she lives now only a short distance away, we excused ourselves and went to see how she was. She was uncomfortable, but I was able to give her some suggestions on how to address her problem, and in the upcoming days, she had improved comfort and mobility.

We followed that with my pre-birthday celebration; forestcats and I went to Ink, a restaurant in Beverly Hills, I think, opened by a winner of the Top Chef TV show. We agreed that the entree and sides were incredible, but the appetizers and desserts were forgettable.

At work later in the week, two of the offices where I worked the staff decorated my office space for my birthday; helium balloons appear to be very popular. The Ontario office got me a birthday cake, while the Pomona office fed me pizza. I'm abashed at their willingness to celebrate.

Thursday night was food truck night at the Fairplex again, but there were fewer there this time, so the lines were longer. I ended up going to one of the trucks with the shortest lines due to being famished, but the food was forgettable again. It was my choice.

Yesterday was my D&D 5th Edition game; most folks weren't available, so those who attended didn't press to do anything too difficult with so many of the characters not involved. It was still fun, especially when the mages got involved in a bar room brawl with a halfling thief, and nearly every swing failed to connect. Some kind of comedy! Nice day.

We shall see what this day brings. Have a good week!

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