Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

Yesterday morning, before work, I finished reading The Zen of Fish: The Story of Sushi, From Samurai to Supermarket by Trevor Corson. This was a much more interesting take on the subject than the previous book I'd read on it, following several students at a sushi training program in Southern California. Good read.

On the other hand, I dumped a book as well, this one being The Aztec Treasure House, a collection of essays which I had been led to believe would interest me. They didn't, and so back to the library, the book goes.

On the comic book front, I finished reading three, yesterday, these being Fables #79, and I find the direction they're taking interesting; The Dresden Files: Storm Front #2 of 4, keeping pretty much to the novel: Samurai #4 of 4 ... eh.

Home from work last night, and we lit candles for Hanukkah, and then puttered with Wii Sports for a little bit. Finally finished off the night with some random Monty Python episodes. Huzzah.

My foot is significantly better; I think that the shoes I wore yesterday gave the injury much more support. There's just a bit of an ache, and a feeling that I should walk flatfooted for a while, rather than springing off with the right foot. Nothing permanent, it appears.

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