Bill Paley (mycroftca) wrote,
Bill Paley

Much of the laundry is done; I'll be finishing up today, I hope.

I dumped another book; this is Brandon Sanderson's Elantris. After a chapter and a half, where I didn't care for the protagonist or the situation as described, I dropped it, and will move on to other books I'd rather read.

We watched the second-to-the-last Foyle's War from Netflix. We'll probably finish the series next week. We followed that with two films lent us by froghugger, as well as introducing ourselves to another. We tried to watch Apocalypto, but this was another one that I just couldn't get into, and since we've plenty else to watch, I dropped it in the middle of the village attack scene. Followed that with War, Inc, which I didn't much care for, but it had a few amusing moments. Finally, we watched Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events about which I'd had no knowledge except that the writer of the musical score's work I'd loved in other movies. I'd call this movie amusing, and mildly predictable. I'd say it'd been left open for sequels, as well.

So, when I do get off the computer, it'll be back to Wii Fit, and then laundry. I expect that while I wait for each load, I'll be watching some more of froghugger's DVDs...

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